Surgical challenges and functional outcomes in dystrophic cervical kyphosis in Neurofibromatosis -1: an institutional experience.
Double Oberlin Procedure and Spinal Accessory Nerve to Suprascapular Nerve Neurotization.
Atypical Symptoms of Cervical Spondylosis: Is Anterior Cervical Discectomy and Fusion Useful? – An Institutional Experience.
Transpedicular Approach for Corpectomy and Circumferential Arthrodesis in Traumatic Lumbar Vertebral Body Burst Fractures: A Retrospective Analysis of Outcome in 35 Patients.
Management of C2 Body Giant Cell Tumor by Innovatively Fashioned Iliac Crest Graft and Modified Cervical Mesh Cage used as Plate.
Spinal Intradural Extramedullary Ependymoma with Intracranial Metastasis and Leptomeningeal Spread: A Case Report and Comprehensive Review of Literature.
Basilar Invagination and Atlantoaxial Dislocation: Reduction, Deformity Correction and Realignment Using the DCER (Distraction, Compression, Extension, and Reduction) Technique with Customized Instrumentation and Implants
Absence of axis (C2) posterior elements leading to C2-C3 instability and myelopathy in young adults
Role of Minimal Invasive Spine Surgery Techniques in Thoracolumbar Burst Fractures.
Single-Stage Transpedicular Approach for Circumferential Arthrodesis in Traumatic Lumbar Vertebral Body Burst Fractures
Traumatic Lateral Spondyloptosis: Case Series
Traumatic Atlantoaxial Spondyloptosis Associated with Displaced Odontoid Fracture: Complete Reduction via Posterior Approach Using “Joint Remodeling” Technique
Evaluation of Correction of Radiologic Parameters (Angulation and Displacement) and Accuracy of C2 Pedicle Screw Placement in Unstable Hangman’s Fracture with Intraoperative Computed Tomography-Based Navigation
Management and Outcome Analysis of Pediatric Unstable Thoracolumbar Spine Injury: Large Surgical Series with Literature Review.
O-arm with navigation versus C-arm: a review of screw placement over 3 years at a major trauma center.
Use of Frameless Stereotactic Neuronavigation and O-arm for Transoral Transpalatal Odontoidectomy to Treat a Very High Basilar Invagination
Delayed presentation of post-traumatic bilateral cervical facet dislocation: a series of 4 cases
Traumatic spondyloptosis: a series of 20 patients
Computed tomography-guided C2 pedicle screw placement for treatment of unstable hangman fractures
Efficacy and results of expansive laminoplasty in patients with severe cervical myelopathy due to cervical canal stenosis